Church Announcements

Confirmation Class Orientation

Pastor Doug is excited to announce his next Confirmation Class, “Young Disciples”. This is an opportunity for youth at our church, grade 8 and older, to confirm and celebrate their faith and become members of First Church. Our youth already show a rich faith, formed at home and through our ministries. Young Disciples is an opportunity for them to take a closer look at their faith and how they’re living it out as a disciple of Jesus. Young Disciples will begin with Parent Orientation on Sunday, March 18, at 5 pm, at the Blue, just before Youth Group that same night. The class will then begin on Sunday, April 15, and meet each Sunday, for four weeks, through May 6, at the Blue, from 5 – 6 pm. A handful of other special meetings or outings during the class will be discussed and scheduled at our Orientation meeting.